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News Archive:
31 May 2004 | Exciting Apathy Launch Week:
If you are a regular visitor to this site, then you (a) will have noticed that the comic archive was wiped yesterday and (b) check the KeenSpace guide way too often. This is because today sees the official launch of my new webcomic, Apathy. Since I think a launch week should be a little bit interesting, and since I think a website with only one comic strip on it is something of a waste of our time, there will be a comic every day this week, instead of the regular Monday/Friday updates.
7 June 2004 | Launch Week Over:
Well, that’s it, show’s over. From here on in, there’ll be a new comic every Monday and Friday. I simply haven’t got the time or inclination to make five strips a week. Today I added a links page; this currently has about five links on it, but I intend to fins more than three good webcomics somewhere on the internet, and link to them. This is proving harder than I thought it would, but then if the average quality of webcomics were higher, this site probably wouldn’t exist. (Or is it the other way around?) I also added a little to the ‘about’ page, about how the comics are made.
There might be a Wednesday update added later; it all depends just how much apathy I can summon up.
12 June 2004 | Minor Updates:
I changed two things: first I added a new hotlink image, which will appear when my (read: KeenSpace’s) bandwidth is leeched and direct people to this page, and secondly, I changed the code for the Newsbox slightly. Coming soon: I start trimming the news, and maybe archiving it.
20 June 2004 | New Link:
I added a link to Rooms on the links page, and also it has come to my attention that nobody is
voting for me anymore. So vote, you ungrateful bastards.
18 July 2004 | New Voting Link:
Today I joined TopWebComics.com, which has fewer members than Buzz, but on the other hand is spelled correctly. There's no reason at all not to vote for me on both every single day, except that that would be a little bit sad.
13 August 2004 | New Update Time:
Today I realised I was getting rather behind on the updates, so I changed the automatic update time from midnight GMT to midnight EST - which is to say 5AM in England. For the sake of a few hours this will make it much easier to keep up with the updates. In theory.
20 August 2004 | Comic Alert:
I found a new website on my referrer list today: Comic Alert. It provides RSS and e-mail alerts for webcomics, including Apathy, so if you can’t get your brain around the idea of ‘Mondays And Fridays’, now you can let Comic Alert do it for you. I’ve added it to the links page as well, and I may add it to the bottom bar, too.
10 September 2004 | Guest Strip Sunday:
On Sunday I’m launching a new and irregular section of the website: Guest Strip Sunday. It will house any fanart I get (unless it’s really bad), guest strips, or anything I draw and I feel like showing off but isn’t part of the main strip. Sunday’s Guest Strip will be from Ian Anderson of Meet The Dweebles.
Site content, graphics, layout and comics copyright ©2004-2005 Andrew Taylor. Ironically, Apathy is powered by Keenspace — who do all the hard work for me and ask for nothing in return but a banner ad.